Thursday 6 May 2010

Reponse on Sarah’s Blog; body modification

i had heard of chinese bending their feet, but had never seen a propar picture of it. it looks painful. Just goes to show how some people would so draw to these things that even pain seems sweet to them or even nothing. Very informative, and yes no bitching! लोल

Reponse on Aruge’s Blog; Bad comedians

I agree with you। There are bad comedians and good. Bads always try to put a situation in there joke that not everyone would laugh at. Racist or not racist, they need to be just jokes. That only one would laugh at, and not end upset. Afterall, a joke is to cheer you up and not upset you instead!

Reponse on Hafsa’s blog; bullying.

I agree with hafsa, there is bullying verywhere. Not the just the schools but even adults are bullied at work places. Somehting that is still spreading on :स

Tuesday 4 May 2010

Racism still EXISTS!

Racism is one issue; the society still has not been able to tackle yet. This issue is still a strong argument in schools and colleges. Teachers are still finding a way to stop the children from bullying or been bullied. Bullying is still an issue that has caused many unfortunate deaths in the UK. And even though it has strong policies against it there are still parents that don’t take it as a serious issue. Many would let it pass If they are aware of there child bullying someone, it’s mostly the social outcastes, ‘book worms, fat girls and nerds’ bullying is a social torture that the children go through in many cases, settings of the environment.

There are help lines, and one-to-one teachers to talk to but still children that go through it. Which makes it obvious that child still don’t trust the policies or the help isn’t reaching out much to the pupils whom really require the help.
this website is child friendly. created for children, to gain more knowledge of how bad bullying is;

Thursday 29 April 2010


Why would anyone do it?

Well I think no one plans to do it. it’s the greed for some or forced into it. apparantly prostition has a lot of money, and for this reason many pimps tend to trade prostitues and stay rich! Majority of the girls are usually foreign, speak no enlgish or the language of where they are traded to, so that they do not contact the police.

Many girls do this to earn moe the easy way, morally it’s COMPLETELY wrong! There are many other ways to earn money than selling yourself for it. Either girls are influenced or inspired to look ‘IN’ and these days people kill to look good aswell.

I think there should be support available for these girls as there is for everything else. They pupils in schools should receive education to prevent being drawn into these things.

young girl who was forced into prostitution
links below;
discussions on this topic;

Wednesday 28 April 2010

I Swear!

Swearing! People don’t breathe as much as they swear these days. Even if a person was learning a new language, the first thing they would learn are the swear words. Swearing once was a shameful thing to do. Morally, swearing is wrong. It’s a sin according to Religions. But you hear even the religious ministers doing it. It’s a bad habit that usually starts at the beginning of childhood. Its in media, comisc, newspapers. Even the advers seem to promote the idea of swearing as it Is more ‘catching’
Theres nothing more that I can discuss about this topic, it’s a ‘disease’ that has no cure but has spreaded like air wolrd widely (more like a unviersal languaage) :p

Islamic prospectus;

Monday 26 April 2010


The words ‘modification explains a lot by it self. Tattooing once body has become a fashionable activity. Once it was known as an ‘odd’ thing to do. However, now it’s like buying a new pair of shoes. Majority of the young girls from the age of 5-6 want a tattoo. There are many individuals who are addicted to having their body tattooing or piercing from head to toe….. : S and now there’s even eye tattooing! What’s next?

Asian use Henna (Mehndi) An herbal mix liquid which is use to draw out patterns. But this is totally harms and purely temporary. That’s another way of tattooing once body, why use the harmful way? Pulse if it goes wrong, it’s not staying for long for u to amend! : P

anyways check out the links below;

what is Mehndi?